Alex Janvier Family Collection Exhibition Book


Alex Janvier Family Collection Exhibition Book

8.75 x 8.75″ Soft Cover

80 Pages – Acknowledgements, A special message from Jacqueline Janvier, Images of paintings along with what Alex wrote about them, Alex’s biography



51/20 The Janvier Family Collection Exhibition

In the fall of 2023, we hosted our first-ever themed and curated exhibition at Janvier Gallery. It was open from September 26th to December 20th, 2023. 


We celebrated Alex and Jacqueline Janvier’s 51 years in the professional art business and 20 years of having a commercial art gallery. To celebrate this beautiful milestone, we wanted to show some of our favourite paintings from our Janvier Family Collection. It took us many meetings to decide which paintings we should share with you. Our family here at Janvier Gallery put so much heart and work into making this exhibition a beautiful celebration. 


To remember this once in a lifetime exhibition, we created and designed our first ever book. 

Many hours went into every step of creating this book. From deciding which paintings should be in it, to getting the artist reflections from Alex, to designing the cover, to editing the text and the images and then finally approving the final draft. 

The paintings reflect the wide variety of styles and mediums Alex has created throughout the years. Journey through his works with us in this book!

error: All images, content and texts are property of Alex Janvier. Please contact us if you wish to use any images.